Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT Tapping, combines acupuncture, cognitive therapy, exposure therapy and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). Evidence shows that the mind-body connection is stimulated when using EFT by tapping on specific meridian points, improving the neuroplasticity of the brain and its ability to form new neural pathways. Thus allowing one to rewire their belief systems about a certain experience, change habits and remove emotional blockages.
The emotions, situations and events we experience often form the person we are, and subconsciously trigger our fight or flight response (even when we no longer need them to!). Often times these programs may no longer be serving us. This is where EFT Tapping can help us rewire our subconscious beliefs and create new neural pathways.
What has EFT been clinically proven to help with?
Anxiety/ Stress
Physical & Chronic Pain
Emotional Pain (Fear, Anger, Guilt, Shame)
Self Confidence/ Self Esteem
Trauma & Painful Memories
Creativity & Performance
Fertility/ Prenatal/ Postpartum/ Birthing
Food Cravings
Limiting Beliefs
Repeating Unhelpful Patterns
Improving Sleep & Insomnia
What does an EFT session look like?
To start, we will spend some time diving into the issue at hand. I’ll ask you questions and note down your feelings so that I can use your own words in the script we’ll use when tapping (this is the NLP part, using your own vocabulary will make the results more effective). Perhaps this is a present issue only or something that is rooted in a deeper issue of the past.
What would you rather believe about the situation?
I’ll walk you through the meridian points we’ll tap on (face & upper body), and ask you to rate the feeling on a scale from 0-10.
We start tapping! You follow along after me repeating the phrases and tapping along the sequence. You may have your eyes closed, camera off, walk around in the room, etc. They key here is that you feel safe and comfortable.
After several rounds of tapping, we will discuss how you feel and give the original feeling a new rating on the 0-10 scale. Usually there is significant improvement even after a short session. We will note if there are any more lingering feelings or if new ones were brought up that should be addressed.
In the end, you can expect to feel lighter, relaxed, tingly-headed, and even tired (no offense if you yawn!), this is all normal. Afterall, your brain just basically did a workout that will result in new neural pathways being created, whew!
To read more about the evidence behind tapping go to www.scienceoftapping.com/about-tapping
Free Discovery Call
45 Minute video call so we can get to know each other, see if we are a good fit, discuss what you would like to address and get an intro into EFT.
EFT Power Tapping
1 Hour video call to dive deeper into the topics you would like to address. Required for all new clients and recommended for recurring clients that have a new topic they would like to explore.
EFT Express Tapping
30 Minute video call to go straight into a topic previously discussed during a Power Tapping session, an express booster session. Great for recurring clients and recommended for kids and teenagers.
EFT Power Package
Four 1-hour video call to dive deeper into the topics you would like to address. Required for all new clients and recommended for recurring clients that have a new topic they would like to explore.
EFT Express Package
Four 30-minute video call to go straight into a topic previously discussed during a Power Tapping session, an express booster session. Great for recurring clients and recommended for kids and teenagers.